Our Key Partners

Celebrate Success and Strive for Excellence

Rylib Group Key Partners

We’re proud of the role we play in our local community, and value the strong relationships we share with a variety of key suppliers, partners and service providers.

Rylib Group could not operate at the high level we do, without the support of our key suppliers. 

We value their continuous support, sponsorship and contribution to our Rylib Family. 


Rylib Group has recently partnered with ASB. Through pricing and credit transparency, ASB are our lender of choice, which enhances our working relationship. ASB support the Group's growth and personal development within the team. ASB are currently supporting Rylib Group on our journey of undertaking Sustainable Transition Loans. Each year, ASB also support our Performance Awards. This year, they were the major sponsor of our biggest award Farm of the Year, won by Jonathon Hoets.

Tavendale and Partners are an integral part of our Executive Team. Their Values and Principles align with Rylib Groups' and we value our continued relationship. Tavendale and Partners purpose is to support our Groups growth, and our people's growth and personal development. Mark Tavendale has been a part of our judging team for Farm Pride for the last 5 years. This year Honor stepped in for Mark. Tavendale and Partners also sponsor Driving our Culture and Values Alignment Award, this year won by Sheldon & Hayley Price.

BDO is an integral part of our Executive Team. Frazer surrounds himself with a team that is reliable and creative. Frazer has been a part of the judging team for Farm Pride for the last 6 years. BDO is a large sponsor of our Performance Awards. In previous years, Frazer has provided a 'Strategic Growth Day' with the recipient. This year, our award was Business Growth and Development. This year Shayden Gardiner and Ellie Smith won this receiving a full day mentoring with Frazer.

Meridian are long-time supporters of Rylib Group and have come on board this year to Sponsor our Awards. With our sustainable journey, Meridian have supported us in our growth and learnings to becoming a more sustainable business. This year, Meridian sponsored Farm Pride won by Mark Anderson, Delarbe Farm. His outstanding sustainable practices and innovative thinking meant he took the lead.

Dairy Veterinary Services are a long serving relationship with all the Rylib Farms. Nathan and his experienced team provide individual health plans, to improve herd and animal health. They are a critical support to our team, and an asset to the Rylib Group.

Dairy Vets sponsored our Six Week in-Calf Rate award, which was won by James Martin, Fairmont Farm.

Crombie Lockwood have been Rylib Group's insurer for nearly 10 years. Through excellent communication and a fabulous Account Manager, Maria, we value our ongoing relationship.

Crombie Lockwood sponsors our "Lowest Insurance Claim" Award each year, with the recipient receiving a $1,000 Weekend Getaway. This season the Weekend Getaway was won by James Martin.

Morrison Agri provide an honest and reliable key service to our farms. Providing Dairy Minder, it ensures the smooth sailing of our milkings and all equipment is well maintained throughout the season. They have great knowledge of our sheds and our people, to ensure the service is personalised and prompt.

Morrison Agri sponsor our "Farm Pride" Award and "Farm Pride Runner Up" which was received by Maryanne Middlemiss (Runner Up) and Matthew Steffensen (Winner), valued at $1,500.

Ravensdown brings a wealth of knowledge to Rylib Group. With an integrated whole farm approach, Ravensdown provide world-leading nutrient know-how, environmental guidance, compliance and a detailed nutrient plan to improve the fertility of our soils. Ravensdown sponsored our Lowest number of Deaths won by Joanthon Hoets, Kairoa Dairies.