Everything we do revolves around our team and our culture.

Our People

Farm Manager - Fairmont Farm

James Martin


With six years Dairy experience I am excited about the challenge of my first management role at Delarbe Farm.  With the support of the Rylib Group Managers and working within the competitive team environment I know it will be a rewarding position.

Growing up in Marlborough and making the most of every opportunity to work on high country sheep and beef stations I developed an appetite for a career in the outdoors.

Post school a career in the foresty sector followed by 5 years as a sales contractor I realised the dairy industry appealed and offered a career that could provide an ideal lifestyle for myself, wife and two children.

Having completed my NZ Certificate in Production Management I am looking to work towards a Diploma in Agribusiness Management,.  With the business skills Rylib Group give me and the opportunity to learn, this goal is achievable.

Job opportunities

at Rylib Group

We offer great opportunities to grow within the Group and foster long term working relationships with every member of our team.